What does gratitude to your body

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So we’ve got the people around us feeling a little happier and our minds getting the happy message abut what about our bodies? What does being grateful do to our body?

Our cells are constantly changing, renewing and mending themselves. Many doctors recognize the worth in a positive attitude towards health 
In fact, if we feel good about ourselves we tend to look after our physical selves better. We make better food choices, eat for hunger and not to stave off sad or complicated emotions and we enjoy making our bodies move. A happy body is a healthy body. 

Many obesity theorists think that one of the reasons that people in poorer areas are more likely to be obese isn’t because they can’t afford the right food, but that their misery at having no money, and limited resources impacts their emotions and drives their body to satisfy that need with food. And it’s often over processed, sugary, body hating food they crave.

If your body isn’t what it “should” be right now, or rather, if your body isn’t want you want it to be right now, instead of focusing on the flabby bits, the sore bits, the needing to be operated bits, focus on the parts that do work well.

One of the fascinating think about people who suffer from some sort of impairment is their body makes up for it in some other way. For example a blind person often has a highly developed sense of smell or incredible hearing. That is our body’s way of being thankful for what does work. It compensates and provides an enhanced talent at the cost of the one the person doesn’t have.

We all have that ability. While most of us can probably mention many things we DON’T like about our bodies, what can you mention that you do like. Some of the time, we carry on shadows form our families’ comments that impact us. They don’t need to

If you have a chronic illness, focus on the healthy parts of your body. Many studies have been done on the power of imagery that involves your healthy body fighting the ill health intruder. Spend time enjoying the healthy parts of your body. 

if you feel absolutely terrible, and there is nothing you can find to feel good, then go back to that first activity at the beginning of this book and focus on your breath. Even if it is labored. Even if you need to do it slowly, breathe in and out and focus on your breath. Focus on how you are alive with each breath you take in and out. 

It isn’t easy. Our physically feelings can often outweigh everything else. We often neglect how our body feels and then we stop looking after it. It becomes a vicious cycle. But to begin to be grateful for our health can liberate us from ill health


Spend five minutes a day focused on what is right with your body. If you have severe body issues, or health issues, consider trying some EFT technique to help break the cycle and give yourself a kick start into positive feelings and gratitude. Remember, no matter where you are or how you are feeling, you can love and accept yourself just as you are today.

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